Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sick and Away From Home..

      Everyone here always would say when I first got here that I would really start missing home the first time that I got sick.  And I have now experienced that!  Friday was supposed to be a really good day.  I woke up and went to breakfast like normal, but didn't feel the greatest, and then shook it off and left for a day of evangelism in Buenos Aires.  All day, I was a mess.  I was getting really sick, congested, pressure behind my eyes and forehead, sore throat, uncontrollable sneezing, all the fun stuff.  I had no medication all day and was a few hours away from school.  So finally, we are on our way home, and by that time I am really ready to get back so I can go to the Centro Medico and of course, the bus breaks down!  We wait 45 minutes for the other bus to come get us.  It takes and hour and half to get home.  In that hour and a half, I am wanting to cry, wanting my mom, wanting medicine, and wanting to be in bed!  We finally make it to WOL and I get to the doctor and he gives me meds and tells me to get rest.  I went to go take a hot shower because of my body aching just from being sick and guess what!  There was no hot water :/  So I just went to bed and I slept through the night, woke up, feeling a bit better, but around 4 in the afternoon, after talking to mom and Micah to tell them that I am okay, I am walking back to my room and am not feeling that well again.  My dorm is right next to Centro Medico so I stop in and I had to use Google Translator with the doctor so I could tell him what was going on.  I got up to get some water and felt realllllly flushed.  My hearing was blocked and I quickly felt like I was going to fall over.  After releasing what was in my stomach, he realized that not only was I sick but I was dehydrated!  Lyndee, my counselor, was not there yet, and another nurse comes in with a liquid bag and points to her arm trying to explain what was going to happen and with my little bit of spanish, I asked to wait till she got there so I could figure out everything that was going on!  Lyndee gets there, I tell her what was happened and she explained to me that I was dehydrated and that they needed to put liquids in me through IV.  After three bags of liquid, that I soaked up within 2 hours (which is pretty fast), the concluded that I barely had any liquid in my system.  I felt much better after that, so I went to eat dinner so that I could take my meds and go to bed! Went to bed at 8:45 and didn't wake up till 7:30!  I feel much better today, definitely needed those liquids and now I am drinking lots of water!  Please keep praying so that I can get over this cold and that I regain the strength needed for class, sports, work, and to study!  Here, it's not as easy to get water like it is in the US so thats really why this happened but I am okay! Just keep praying! :)  I have a spanish and bible test over the next two days and need to focus to retain all this information!  But God has been with me the whole time so even though it was a bit scary, I knew that He would take care of me!
     Other than being sick, God has done a lot of other great things this week!  I am LOVING my bible class! It's crazy to see how much I would have loved to have that in high school!  But at the same time, I am thankful for the road He took me through (meaning public schooling).  We went through the book of Efesios (Ephesians) and my teacher titled it Vida de Cristian (Christian Life).  I highly suggest everyone going and reading through the book! It's only 6 chapters and full of information of how to be an imitator of Christ!
    Thank you to all who have been praying!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie!!!!!
    I'm sorry you're sick, but I hope you're having an awesome time in Argentina! I am taking a Christian Faith and Life class right now and just studied Ephesians! Crazy how life works!
    I miss you!!!!
