Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reason to Sing

      I am loving Argentina! So much more than I thought I was going to!  These past few days have been wonderful!  On Friday, it was officially the end of Orientation Week so all of our leaders (Lucas, Gabby, Lyndee, and Kristina) took us into the gym until about 11 PM and we played what they called Mufa Pufa.  Now, Mufa Pufa is not just a tie of intense games....people get hurt, and get very competitive! But yes, it was all fun and games!  From running through a cage of string to playing dodgeball with just one ball, the night was a success!  Then Saturday, we had off.  I got to sleep in, run in the morning, eat lunch, take a nap, and then get ready for Bible Club which was girls night!  We were able to have a good reminder of waiting for God's man that He has in store!  So thankful for knowing who that is :)  That night, my roommate, Keila, who is quite famous in Mexico, sang one of the songs from her album which can be purchased on iTunes (search Keila).  She later translated it for us gringas (white girls) and it was a wonderful cansión about THE one.  She is such a blessing to have in my room and she definitely reached many girls last night!
     Today has been a pretty lax day after chapel!  It is a little frustrating to have to have a translater.  I want so badly to just understand this language already!  I have to remember that good things come to those who wait.  PLEASE! PRAYER REQUEST! Please pray for my ability to learn spanish! I begin class on Monday and am more than excited to start learning!  My schedule will be a little more normal this week, which means work will begin soon as well as sports and ministry.  I can't believe this is happening! I am actually at Word of Life.  I am actually in Argentina.  I am actually following God's will for me.
    As I meet more people at the institute, I am getting to tell my story of how I got here.  I keep telling people how I miss home, but I am so comfortable here because I KNOW that God called me here.  When God calls you somewhere and you follow Him, He takes care of you...and it's one of the greatest feelings ever.  Knowing that God is there all the way, putting a pillow under every step.  This is love.  While writing this, I am being encouraged by a song called "Reason to Sing" by All Sons & Daughters.  I truly have a reason to sing.  Even though I don't understand this language to its fullest and it already has been frustrating, God has given me a reason to sing.  He has given me more than enough reasons to sing.  So I will sing. I will sing because He is holding my world in His hands.  God is the reason to sing.


  1. Love you girlie! Missed having you at our family gathering yesterday. Hope that you have a great 1st week!

  2. Sorry for just replying to all of your comments! I did have a good first week! Hopefully we can Skype soon!
