Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Argentine Life

        This week has been quite interesting to say the least! We have had loads of pastors on campus and the church staff from Woodstock Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia here all week and that team has been a blessing in itself!  I almost want to look at the Women's ministry at that church after I graduate from college!  One of the pastors in training came here with his wife of one month and she went all the way through seminary for Women's Ministry and I don't know if God is calling me into that but wow! What an incredible testimony!  Anyway, this week really encouraged me to have a better devotional life and now, for the past three days, I have been getting up a half hour earlier than I usually do to spend my time with the Lord.  Since I can't leave my room until breakfast, I sit on my top bunk with a flashlight to read.  That is the best way that I can be an early riser with my roommates that are sleeping.
This week was the first week that I had an emotional day.  With the mixture of missing home and still recovering from being ill, I had just let go of a lot of held up frustration because here, we are on the go a lot and don't always have time to just sit down and process things.  I love Argentina and I love it here at Word of Life, I guess it's hard sometimes to transfer to a new culture all at once!  Things are very different!  The people are different! What is rude at home may not be here, and I am totally okay with all of that!  It just takes some time to change and get used to it!  Thanks to my mom, I was able to let it all out for her and someones mom sent a package full of home made cookies (therefore I was cheered up quickly with just one!)
Speaking of packages!  I am thankful to know that I am going to be sent one soon!  Now, when I get it, I have no clue!  It may be all the way in January when I get it!  It's not the best process because I also I have to pay to receive it in Buenos Aires :/  I am hoping that God just has His hand over it the whole time and it gets here as soon as possible!  Another international issue, sending mail.  So if you know of anyone who is traveling down here, any time that I am down here, please let me know and I can ask them to bring things with them!  Now I understand why a ton of people asked me for things before I left!  I will definitely be bringing a huge suitcase of food and a suitcase of warmer clothes for the deadly winter awaiting me in May/June/July.  It is starting to get warm here....FINALLY!  I am a Floridian and its been colder here than it is in our winter and its now spring!  And also more days than its cold in the entire year!  No bueno!
So Monday marks a month since I left the United States.  Another huge thing that I have learned to appreciate is my country.  Yes, I get looked at intensely because of that, I am judged automatically because I am American, but at the same time, I am grateful.  Very fortunate for no, not my possessions, no not the food, but the culture.  However, there are downsides to the culture of Americans, absolutely, and I don't want any of you to think that I don't like it here, so understand....I LOVE IT HERE!  I am only missing home and its not like a normal girl leaving for college.  I surrendered my life gladly to a whole new country.  This includes different everything and the need to be willing to be to adapt to anything.  And so here I am.  Living the Argentine life. :)

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